Alpha City

Alpha City

The city of London is the epicentre of the world’s financial markets. It is an elite cultural hub and a place to hide wealth, both criminal and legitimate. Based on the successful book: Alpha City by Rowland Atkinson, this new documentary depicts the story of corruption, enablers, eager developers, sovereign wealth, and grasping politicians, who have paved the way for the plutocratic colonisation of London's cityscape. From gated communities and mega-houses of the urban elite, it demonstrates how the international super-rich live, and the disturbing fall-out of evictions and displacements from London that rampant money laundering causes. In the aftermath of Brexit and light-touch regulations for kleptocrats, Alpha City shows how the super-rich and their accounting, banking and political enablers capitalise on crises to increase inequality and hardship.

1h 30min

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